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Friday, February 26, 2010

Video Watermark Factory 1.0 >Software

Lindungi digital video dengan watermark
Jika anda pernah berkongsi video melalui Internet atau diterbitkan mereka di laman web seperti YouTube, anda mungkin tahu betapa sulitnya untuk menjejaki orang-orang yang menyalin dan mengedar semula pekerjaan anda, sering tanpa memberikan kredit yang benar. Dalam beberapa kes seperti haram menyalin, dan anda boleh menggunakan alat penegakan hukum seperti melanggar undang DMCA untuk menghentikan pengedaran.Dalam kebanyakan kes, bagaimanapun, semua yang anda inginkan dari orang-orang yang menyalin video anda adalah nota memberikan kredit kepada penulis daripada video. Berburu ke pelanggaran tidak akan sepadan dengan usaha. Anda boleh melindungi video anda dengan profesional mencari logo atau tanda air dengan hanya beberapa klik tetikus

Video Watermark Factory 1.0

Video Watermark Factory 1.0

Video Watermark Factory - a full-featured yet easy-to-use software that allows placing a digital watermark or logo or text over an existing video in the batch mode. Watermarks can be used for protection or adding comments to your movies. You may impose watermark on a whole video file or on a specified section of the movie. Brand Your Video With A Watermark!

Protect your video with digital watermarks

If you ever shared videos over the Internet or published them on a Web site such as YouTube, you probably know how hard it is to keep track of those who copy and re-distribute your work, often without giving the proper credit. In some cases such copying is illegal, and you can use legal enforcement tools such as DMCA to stop unlawful distribution. In most cases, however, all you want from those who copy your video is a note giving credit to the author of the video. Hunting down the infringers would not be worth the effort. You can protect your video with a professionally looking logo or watermark with just a few mouse clicks

Resize your movies

Video resizing serves the same purpose as splitting, allowing your video files to occupy less space on your Web site, and your visitors to save their Internet traffic.You like putting videos on your blog? Now, when you embed the player, does it totally mess up your template? How to Resize your Videos to Fit Your Blog Layout? Share your video with friends via YouTube, MySpace, Google Video, Yahoo Video

Convert a lot of videos to various formats

If you have a lot of video files but in different formats, no problem! Video Watermark Factory lets you to convert your files to any of the following formats: AVI,MPEG, WMV, Real Media. Now you can upload your movies to YouTube, prepare for video podcasts, blogs. Video Watermark Factory is the conversion software which convert video file between all popular video format

Size : 22 MB





Anonymous said...

minta laluan sedara.... link tak hidup.... sekian terima kasih.